The Divine Intelligence Process Self-Paced Version
A Scientific and Spiritual Process for Awakening the Creator Within
This course builds on the concepts Dr. Jayne presents in the Foundations Course.
The Divine Intelligence Process is an online, self-paced class that contains over 4 hours of video lectures of Dr. Jayne's teachings, 7 downloadable audio meditations, and several specially designed writing exercises to propel the development of your Inner Creator. The videos are available 24/7, so you can experience the transformational power of this course according to your schedule.
A new section (or "Dialogue") is unlocked each week to allow the teachings to permeate your consciousness. If you need support, we have a course forum where you will be given the opportunity to ask clarifying questions and receive support. Enroll now and start living from a place of authenticity and unlimited potential!
What if there was an unlimited amount of power within you?
At The Divine Intelligence Institute, we have studied the great spiritual masters and philosophers throughout history from the Vedas, Buddha, Plato, Jesus, Jung to today’s His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama. Our research into the spiritual evolution of the human race reveals a common theme — Unlimited Power lies within us.
Beyond the constraints of religion, Divine Intelligence aims to serve people seeking or craving a personal understanding of this “divine spark” within us. Spiritual enlightenment is about moving toward the Creator within you rather than a power or person outside of you.
Our contemporary Divine Intelligence Process combines ancient wisdom with neuroscience and quantum physics—blending science with spiritual truths confirming the existence of an
unlimited energy we can ALL activate.
The Divine Intelligence Process shows you how!
Combining science and spirituality, we aim to awaken the "Creator" within you.
The purpose of our Divine Intelligence Process is to shift your power source from someone sitting up in the sky on a cloud to sourcing from within. We want to awaken this Power, this Creative Force that is YOU.
We know you have this unlimited power in you capable of creating wealth, health and well-being in your life and in the lives of those around you. This course is about harnessing the Divine Intelligence in you to create a profound life for yourself. Now is the time to learn how to systematically and deliberately create just what you want.
"Completing the Divine Intelligence Process was a life-changing experience. With my new understanding of self and God, I am not living small anymore—it is a rebirth at 63!"
~ Betty Choi-Fung, MD, CCFP, Canada
"Procrastination has been a lifelong issue for me...By loving myself enough to go through the DI process, I found procrastination simply evaporated from my life completely effortlessly. In its place was an excitement and thrill to participate in my own life. I’m incredibly grateful.”
~ Jean V., Texas
"Dr. Jayne Gardner is a true pioneer in the science of spirituality. Her understanding of Gnostic teachings is thorough and wise. The Divine Intelligence Process is the handbook on Gnosticism for a New Era of spirituality, a must...for seekers who are ready to take their quest to the next level."
~ Kathleen McGowan, International best-selling author of The Expected One, The Mary Magdalene series, Ireland/California
"I have found the DI Process to be like a Divine safety net complete with Assembly Instructions and User’s Manual. I remain desirous of personal change...yet I came to the place of needing some guidance and help to eliminate some limiting beliefs...Dr. Jayne has created a process whereby I felt safe to explore and release and the feelings of resistance I had recognized became transmuted into the excitement of rebirth.
~ Kathy C., Texas
Jayne Gardner
Note to Student
D1.V1. Introduction to Dialogue 1
D1.V2. Terms Used in the Divine Intelligence Process
D1.V3. Quantum Physics: The Observer Effect
D1.V4. Neuroscience
D1.V5. Supportive Research to Dialoguing
D1.V6. 8 Rules of Dialoguing from the Observer Viewpoint
D1.V7. What Do I Dialogue About?
Dialoguing Handout
D1.V8. Positive Anchor
Meditation - Positive Anchor
Positive Anchor Worksheet
D1.V9. Dialogue 1 Wrap-Up
Dialogue 1 Quiz
Dialogue 1 Checklist
D2.V1. Introduction to Dialogue 2
D2.V2. Neuroscience
D2.V3. Quantum Physics
D2.V4. Limiting Beliefs
Timeline of Negative Beliefs
Limiting Beliefs Exercise
D2.V5. Dialogue 2 Wrap-Up
Dialogue 2 Quiz
Dialogue 2 Checklist
D3.V1. Introduction to Dialogue 3
D3.V2. Quantum Physics
D3.V3. Neuroscience
D3.V4. Your Conditioned Self
D3.V5. Conditioned Self Personality Assessment
Conditioned Self Personality Quiz
D3.V6. Making the Shift From Conditioned Self to Authentic Self
The Blue Sky Meditation
D3.V7. Dr. Gardner’s Story About the Conditioned Self
Conditioned Self Exercise
D3.V8. Dialogue 3 Wrap-Up
Dialogue 3 Quiz
Dialogue 3 Checklist
D4.V1. Introduction to Dialogue 4
D4.V2. Quantum Physics
D4.V3. Neuroscience
D4.V4. The Three Parts of the Brain
D4.V5. An Amygdala Hijack: Your Brain Out of Control
Emotional/Amygdala Hijack Exercise
D4.V6. The Different Power Levels of Emotions
Rejoicing in Infinite Space Meditation
D4.V7. Distractions Block our Energy Flow
D4.V8. What Are Your Distractions?
Distractions Quiz
Distractions Writing Exercise
D4.V9. Creating an Emotional Box for the Hypervent
D4.V10. How to Get to that Buried Anger!
How to Create a Box for Your Hypervent
D4.V11. Dialogue 4 Wrap-Up
Dialogue 4 Quiz
Dialogue 4 Checklist
D5.V1. Introduction to Dialogue 5
D5.V2. What is a Hypervent, Anyway?
D5.V3. D5 Neuroscience
D5.V4. Resistance to Negative Emotions
D5.V5. Arrange Your Space: The 4 Stations
Hypervent Directions
Gratitude Meditation
D5.V6. The Shift Letter
The Shift Letter Exercise
D5.V7. Dialogue 5 Wrap-Up
Dialogue 5 Quiz
Dialogue 5 Checklist
D6.V1. Introduction to Dialogue 6
D6.V2. Neuroscience
D6.V3. Quantum Physics
D6.V4 How to Create a New Belief
Creating Your New Beliefs
D6.V5. Installation of New Beliefs
D6.V6. Installation Process: The Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
EFT Handout
D6.V7. Carving New Neural Pathways
Installing a New Belief Meditation
21-Day Installation Plan
D6.V8. Dialogue 6 Wrap-Up
Dialogue 6 Quiz
Dialogue 6 Checklist
D7.V1. Introduction to Dialogue 7
D7.V2. Neuroscience
D7.V3 . Does Happiness Matter?
D7.V4. Positive Anchor as an Adult
Positive Anchor as an Adult Meditation
Positive Anchor Worksheet
D7.V5. Your Personal Values
Code of Values Quiz
D7.V6. Authentic Self Interview
Authentic Self Interview
Life Purpose Meditation
D7.V7. Your Post-Process Life Balance Assessment
Life Balance Assessment #2
D7.V8. Our Mission at The Divine Intelligence Institute
D7.V9. Final Words from Dr. Jayne Gardner
D7.V10. Ongoing Dialogue: Making it Stick!
Course Survey
Each Dialogue, or Lesson, contains video teachings and writing exercises that are designed to build sequentially. We're sure you'll love Dr. Jayne's approach to personal development and want to continue.
Subsequent Dialogues are unlocked each week to give the teachings time to permeate your DNA and create lasting change. With that in mind, while the course is self-paced, the class takes a minimum of 7 weeks to complete. You'll get weekly email reminders to pick up where you left off! And we're always here to support you and help answer any questions you may have.
Ready to go to the next level in your personal development and unleash your powerful Creator? Sign up now to get access to Dr. Jayne's teachings!
By enrolling in this course, you agree to accept our Terms & Conditions.